Your Contact InformationAs part of our real estate business, we frequently deal with people who are in search of financing options. If you have some available funds to lend and might be interested in a better return on a secure investment than you could expect to receive via other investment opportunities, just complete the information below and we will contact you soon to discuss some exciting options.NameStreet AddressApartment, suite, etcCityStateZIPPhone *FaxEmail Address *When is the best time to contact you?Morning (Before Work)MorningLunchtimeAfternoonEveningAnytimeHave you loaned on real estate before?YesNoCash available to investLine of credit available to investExpected rate of returnI want to invest my money for a minimum ofI want to invest my money for a maximum ofMy capital will come fromMortgage Resale InformationAre you presently holding mortgages you want to sell?YesNoBalance of mortgageMonths remainingPayment per monthRate of returnAre you interested in making loans on real estate for a safe return on your money but have some questions?YesNoSubmit Information